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About Tibet Ellor

Tibet Bio by tibet

Digital AI Art NFT Collection

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Studio Sessions

Welcome to Studio Sessions, the ultimate show for music lovers who want to learn more about the creative mix-down process.

  • Join Tibet as he shares his latest tracks and takes you through the process of audio mix-down, revealing the secrets and techniques
  • From the first beat to the final cut, you'll get an inside look at the tools and tricks that Tibet uses to craft his signature sound.

Walkin Blues Song Visualizer

Legends Playlist Show

Welcome to Legends, the ultimate playlist tribute show for R&B, Jazz, and Hip hop lovers.

  • Hosted by the one and only Tibet Ellor, this podcast takes you on a musical journey through the greatest hits and hidden gems of these iconic genres.

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The Muse- Short Film

"The Muse" is a compelling short film that explores the price of artistic inspiration. The story follows a struggling artist who is desperately searching for a muse to ignite his creativity."

The Muse